Html5 localStorage, dead simple
Lets get something straight, this stuff (Html5 localStorage) should be simple, dead simple, so here we go.
Storing Simple Data (e.g. numbers and strings)
localStorage.setItem(keyName, myString);
Notice the capital letter “S“ in localStorage , its necessary.
Don’t worry localStorage is a global variable in your browser, so use it freely from anywhere.
Retrieving Simple Data
Storing Object
localStorage.setItem(keyName, JSON.stringify(yourObject));
When storing objects, you would want to serialize your object into a string using “JSON.stringify(yourObject)” because local storage only stores simple data (i.e. numbers and strings), so you object gets converted into a json string.
Retrieving Object
When retrieving objects, you would want to deserialize its string form from your storage back into an object using “JSON.parse” method.